Green Earth Oasis will provide both mobile and stationary units focused on providing communities in need with potable drinking water, ice, electronic device recharging stations and Hot Spot WiFi service. These units produce potable water by condensing ambient air (making rain). If needed, some of this accumulated potable water can be made into ice. In most installations, the systems will be powered with solar energy. Sufficient electrical power remains to support charging cell phones, laptops, and power packs.
Green Earth Oasis has agreements in place with AT&T to provide WiFi Hot Spot service in certain areas. These units can be deployed to locations affected by disasters such as: floods, earthquakes, forest fires, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, severe storms, tsunamis, landslides, mudslides, and areas with severe power outages that occur with extremely high winds and floods. Because these units are solar powered, this complies with "ALL GREEN PROCESS REQUIREMENTS" - NO fossil fuels, NO chemicals, or any NON-GREEN elements are used in the process. Our goal is to hire local residents in the areas or countries where the units are deployed, as needed and qualified.
is provided on an 8' x 16' tandem axle trailer that can be transported with a SUV truck AND can also be provided as a stationary installation.
This system will produce approximately 160 gallons of clean drinking water per day. The system's ice machine can generate 100 pounds of ice per day. However, we can assemble ALL water that will produce approximately 300 gallons of water per day. BEST VALUE Disaster Unit A has a locking door on the side and rear door& solar panels on the roof.
Note: The numbers above could significantly increase relative to Ambient Humidity.
This system offers the same advantages of Unit "A", but with substantially greater capacity of 8' x 40' and is transported on a flatbed and/or Conex export container. Capacity is approximately 400 gallons of drinking water and 400 pounds of ice every day. However, we can assemble ALL water that will produce approximately 700 gallons of water per day. Unit "B" can support multiple electronic device charging.
Note: The numbers above could significantly increase relative to Ambient Humidity.
In addition where sanitation conditions are poor or non-existent, our team can also provide consulting services. With 100 years of combined experience in environmentally sound systems and sanitation, our team can make a difference. Green Earth Oasis Cares.
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